
The Directorate Services was established in the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources with the appointment of the 1st Director, Directorate Services on 1st June 2017 by the Royal Civil Service Commission. The Directorate Services aims to ensure efficient and effective delivery of common support services in particular key services related to administration, legal,  human resources, financial and ICT services.

Objectives of the Directorate Services

The primary objectives of the Directorate Services are to:

Ensure effective delivery of common service and particularly the key services namely administration, legal, human resources and financial services in the Ministry;

Plan, coordinate, supervise and monitor functions of various Divisions, Sections and Units of Directorate of Services and adherence to the existing rules and regulations; and

Manage procurement services of common goods and services on behalf of the departments so that line department could focus on their core mandate.

Roles and Responsibilities

The core functions of the Directorate Services are to provide financial management and strategic HR management. In detail, the functions pertains to the following:

Advisory roles to Secretary and the Ministry on HR and Finance Matters

Supervisory role to Division/Services under Directorate Services

HR Management and Development Services to line Department

ICT Management & Development Services to line Departments

Manage finances and procurement of Line Departments

The Divisions and services under Directorate Services

The Directorate Services under the Ministries is composed of the following units and services:

  • Administration and Finance Division
  • Administration services
  • Accounts and budgeting services
  • Procurement Services
  • Human Resource Division
  • Human Resource Management Services
  • Human Resource Development Services
  • Information Communication and Technology Division
  • ICT support services
  • ICT system and management services
  • Legal Services
  • Legal opinion and legal soliciting services

Under the Secretariat Office

1. Sector Policy

  • Review existing policies and initiate amendments as and when necessary;
  • Formulate new sector policies commensurate with changing times and emerging needs based on the national policies and priorities;
  • Act as a focal point for national and international policy and legal instruments pertaining to the Ministry;
  • Provide policy research support and recommendations; and
  • Support the Ministry in providing policy related clarifications/submissions to the Cabinet, Parliament (National Assembly & National Council), Business Community, etc. 

 2. Planning and Programming

  • Carry out feasibility studies, identify projects and conduct research and development analysis where necessary;
  • Coordinate donor assistance to the Ministry, including technical assistance, and liaise with the GNHCS and DPA;
  • Liaise with GNHCS on national policies and priorities;
  • Formulate and consolidate developmental plans such as Annual Plan, Mid Term Plan and Five Year Plan of the Ministry in close collaboration with the departments; and
  • Set goals and implement strategies for the specific programme or project coordinated by the PPD.

3. Organizing and Coordinating

  • Coordinate the implementation of Ministerial plans, programmes and projects;
  • Coordinate preparation of semi-annual and annual work plans and progress reports;
  • Coordinate the Mid-Term Review Exercise;
  • Organize and coordinate the Ministerial and Secretarial meetings periodically;
  • Organize quarterly coordination meetings to review the progress of the implementation of plans/programmes by departments/divisions;
  • Coordinate the Ministerial press briefing and press release;
  • Facilitate provision of information and data to external agencies including media;
  • Liaise with relevant sectors and agencies on the Ministry’s plans, programs and reports;
  • Coordinate any other matter as directed by the Hon’ble Minister and Secretary from time to time;
  • In coordination with AFD and departments monitor the expenditure on programmes and projects especially for annual, midterm and terminal reviews; and
  • Coordinate and execute plans, programmes and projects including TAs in collaboration with relevant departments for project formulation that are intra ministerial in nature
  • Formulate of national human resource policy, human resource development plan and human resource forecast. The Ministry plays the leading role in human resource forecasting at the national level.  This involves assessing the current stock of particular categories of manpower and occupational groups, projecting future demand for those categories and occupations, and advising on strategies to meet the identified gaps.  Human resource forecasting is closely dependent on the key assumptions adopted in preparing the forecasts including such things as economic growth technological change, wages and labor costs, and fiscal and monetary policies.  The Ministry is expected to indicate the assumptions underlying all its forecasting activities and, indeed, prepare different forecasts based on different assumptions.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monitor and evaluate policies, plans and programmes/projects implemented by departments to ensure timely implementation and achievements of targets;
  • Assess socio economic impact of policies, programmes and inputs under the ministry;
  • Take a lead role in data collection, collation and dissemination at the national level;
  • Produce annual statistical bulletin for the Ministry; and
  • Produce Ministry’s news letter

5. Administrative support

  • Assist in organizing and maintaining Ministerial related database/records; and
  • Collaborate with the AFD in preparing budget proposal and fund release.

Internal Audit functions as an independent appraisal established within the Ministry, to examine and evaluate its activities as a service to the Ministry.

To further enhance good governance, transparency, accountability and efficiency and effectiveness of government operations, including risk management and the internal control framework of the Ministry the IAS is mandated to provide internal audit services in accordance with the Internal Audit Charter and in compliance with the code of ethics for Internal Auditors, Standards for Internal Auditing and other issued guidelines

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Contact Information

Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Employment
P.O Box #1036, Thongsel Lam
Lower Motithang
Thimphu, Bhutan
PABX : +975-2-328236/324845/333867
Overseas Unit: 02-339531
Employment Service Centre: 02-334495

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Media Focal Person

Mr. Sangay Tenzin

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Labour & Human Resources • ICT Division  •  Web Master: Phub Dorji  ( ) • Phone No: +975 02 333867/Ext: 999
