
Notification on vacant industrial plots

The Department of Industry, MoICE would like to invite interested proponents to apply for vacant industrial plot at Dhamdum Industrial Park, Jigmeling Industrial Park and Phuntsho Rabtenling (Motanga) Industrial Park on lease. The Last date for...

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Notification on the piloting of childcare service

The Bhutanese families with children below 12 years who are in need of childcare service and would like to participate in the pilot project for Thimphu and Phuentsholing Thromdey may contact us for details during office hours. The maximum...

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Notification for Border Town Foreign Workers (BTFWs)

This is to notify the general public that with the reopening of border gates, the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR) has started approving Border Town Foreign Workers (BTFWs) w.e.f. 23rd September, 2022. All the employers who wish to...

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Notification regarding employee wages

This is to notify all the Employers that any wages paid to an employee shall be made directly to the employee and not through any other person (a) in cash to the employee directly and (b) to the employee’s credit in an account with a Bank within...

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