The Department of Industry, MoICE would like to invite interested proponents to apply for vacant industrial plot at Dhamdum Industrial Park, Jigmeling Industrial Park and Phuntsho Rabtenling (Motanga) Industrial Park on lease. The Last date for...
Notification on the piloting of childcare service
The Bhutanese families with children below 12 years who are in need of childcare service and would like to participate in the pilot project for Thimphu and Phuentsholing Thromdey may contact us for details during office hours. The maximum...
Notification for Border Town Foreign Workers (BTFWs)
This is to notify the general public that with the reopening of border gates, the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR) has started approving Border Town Foreign Workers (BTFWs) w.e.f. 23rd September, 2022. All the employers who wish to...
Notification to all the existing Foreign Workers Recruitment Agents
This is to notify all the existing Foreign Workers Recruitment Agents located in Phuentsholing, Samtse, Gelephu, and Samdrup Jongkhar wishing to operate as a recruitment agent to kindly submit your proposal in accordance with Section 53 of the...
Notification to all the Diagnostic Service Centers (DSC)
This is to notify all the Diagnostic Service Centers (DSC) approved by the Ministry of Health and wishing to carry out medical screening of Foreign Workers are required to register with the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources in accordance with...
Notification regarding Assessment Centre for Professional Driver NC2
The Department of Occupational Standards, MoLHR has accredited the following Driving Training Institutes as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Centre for Professional Driver (PD) NC2 upon the fulfilment of accreditation requirements....
Notification regarding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
This is to notify the general public that as per Labour and Employment Act of Bhutan 2007, Section 141 – An employer shall provide and maintain a working environment for employees that is safe and without risks to health. Further the employer shall...
Short Term Work Permit to be issued for Foreign Workers required for less than 30 days
This is to notify and inform the general public that the SHORT-TERM WORK PERMIT (E Work Permit) is now being initiated by the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources. The employers wishing to import foreign workers even for the duration of less than...
Notification regarding employee wages
This is to notify all the Employers that any wages paid to an employee shall be made directly to the employee and not through any other person (a) in cash to the employee directly and (b) to the employee’s credit in an account with a Bank within...
Notification of the revised Regulations for the National Assessment and Certification System for TVET in Bhutan, 2022
The Department of Occupational Standards has revised the Regulations for the National Assessment and Certification System for TVET in Bhutan, 2015 to the Regulations for the National Assessment and Certification System for TVET in Bhutan, 2022. The...