Employment Service Centre

The following centers operate as a bridge between the job seekers and employers, making the services accessible from any part of the country through provision of direct contact services and web-based services available from Job Portal and Labour Net.

  1. Employment Service Center located in the building of Department of Youth and Sports, below YDF, Thimphu.
    2. Regional Employment Service Center, Phuntsholing.
    3. Regional Employment Service Center, Gelephu.
    4. Regional Employment Service Center, Samdrup Jongkhar.
    5. Regional Employment Service Center, Trashigang.

Open from 9 hrs -17hrs (March-October) 9hrs – 16hrs (November-February)

Services Provided:
1. Job Seekers

Provide Online Job Portal Services
Provide employment counseling
Provide career guidance
Issue security clearance letter for employment
Organize briefing on “Job Interview Skills”
Provide job matching and placement
Provide information on current job vacancies 8. Assist job seekers to submits documents to employers

2. Training Seekers

Provide information on in-country training opportunities (pre-service/ inservice, Private and corporation)
Issue of training registration forms
Collect documents for in-country training

Coordinate briefing on training opportunities
Organize briefing on skilled jobs.

3. Employers

Arrange job interviews (employers & job seekers)
Review job vacancies
Provide employment consultation
Provide information on occupational standards
Provide information on assessment & certification
Provide information on accreditation system
Distribute occupational profile
Provide information on skill competition
Provide information on registration of Pvt. Training Institute

4. Labour Net

Provide Online Labour Net Services (Fresh/ replacement/extension/Status)
Apply visa approval for third country applicants
Assist clients on Labour Net System
Attend to any query related to labour issues
Carryout labour dispute settlement
Provide information on labour &employment Act 2007and rules and regulation

Contact No & Email Address

Overseas Unit: 02-339531
Internship Program: 02-330577
Employment Service Centre: 02-334495
Email ID: esd@molhr.gov.bt

Other Services

  • Internet Facilities
  • local Call (only Thimphu)
  • Library (Resource Centre)

Employment Service Centre location

Ministry Office Location

Follow Us On:


Contact Information

Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Employment
P.O Box #1036, Thongsel Lam
Lower Motithang
Thimphu, Bhutan
PABX : +975-2-328236/324845/333867
Overseas Unit: 02-339531
Employment Service Centre: 02-334495

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Media Focal Person

Mr. Sangay Tenzin

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Labour & Human Resources • ICT Division  •  Web Master: Phub Dorji  ( pdorji@molhr.gov.bt ) • Phone No: +975 02 333867/Ext: 999
