Press Release by Department of Trade

The third round of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations between Bhutan and Thailand was held in Paro, Bhutan, from 11–13 December 2024. The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Sonam Tshering Dorji, Director of the Department of Trade, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment of Bhutan, and Ms. Chotima Iemsawasdikul, Director General of the Department of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Commerce of Thailand.


Discussions centered on the finalisation of the Draft Text of the agreement, which encompasses eleven chapters. The meeting discussed and addressed several pending matters and was able to conclude 9 out of the 11 chapters with excellent progress made on the remaining two chapters. Both countries reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining the momentum of discussions, with the shared goal of concluding the FTA negotiations by 2025, as envisioned by the Governments of Bhutan and Thailand.


The Bhutan delegation consisted of representatives from Department of Revenue and Customs, Department of Industry, Bhutan Food and Drug Authority, Department of Agriculture and Marketing Cooperatives, Legal Division and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade.  Total trade with Thailand for the year 2023 was Nu. 1,778 billion and the conclusion of the FTA is expected to enhance bilateral trade with Thailand and provide market access for Bhutanese products.


Thailand will host the fourth round of FTA negotiations in 2025.
