Shortlisted Candidates for HI & BUY Company, Kuwait and TORINO SWEETS COMPANY, Kuwait.

The Department of Employment and Entrepreneurship is pleased to share the shortlisted candidates for the following posts;

The selection interview date has been scheduled for August 29, 2024 for the post of Admin Assistant and August 30, 2024 for the post of Sales Associate for HI & BUY Company, Kuwait. For the applicants shortlisted for the post of Sales Lady for TORINO SWEETS, Kuwait, the interview for the candidates from Serial No. 1 to 150 is scheduled for August 31, 2024 and subsequently Serial no. 151 onwards for September 1, 2024. 
The venue for the interview is at the Startup Centre, above CSI market, Changzamtog, Thimphu ( Shortlisted candidates are requested to come with the following documents:
1. CID/Photocopy
2. CV/Resume
3. Latest academic transcripts
4. Recommendations/experience letter, if any
5. Passport, if you have
6. A pen for test
The Department would like to request all shortlisted candidates to prepare for the interview. Best wishes.
Note: All female candidates shortlisted for the HI & BUY Company, Kuwait, have been shortlisted for the selection interview for the TORINO SWEETs Company, Kuwait as per the Company’s requirement. 
