A month-long training for Basic Skills on Domestic House Wiring and Repairing and Maintenance of Home Appliances were successfully concluded on 30 July 2022. A total of 47 participants of three gewogs (Shaba, Dogar and Luni) of Paro Dzongkhag have undergone the training under Village Skills Development Program (VSDP).
The training program was specifically designed to benefit the rural areas with the main objective to impart skills & knowledge in the area of their interest and also to make their livelihood better with the basic skills needed in the locality. The participants will be in field work for next one week. Upon completion of the whole training program, the participants will be able to do electrical house wiring and repair and carryout maintenance of home appliances.
In addition, the Occupational and Health Safety were also taught to the participants requiring in the field work.
The training program was coordinated by the Department of Technical Education (DTE) in collaboration with Shaba Gewog administration. The closing ceremony and certificates were awarded by the Dasho Dzongda of Paro Dzongkhag.